Join me on edCommunities!

What is edCommunities? It is a professional practice community free and open to ALL who care about improving education and student success! Which means YOU! edCommunities is an online platform from the NEA that allows teachers to connect, collaborate and engage in meaningful discussions and groups.

Similar to other social media platforms, however edCommunities allows in depth topic conversations, file sharing and connections with dedicated and talented educators you don't always find consistently on social media.  As edCommunities grows you will also have the opportunity to take online courses for re-licensure requirements. Many groups are available to you on just about any content or professional topic you can imagine. And if you can't find the group you want, you can create it!

Once you sign up for edCommuites (see the flyer below) I encourage you to join my group, Technology Integration K-12. This summer my group is sponsoring a fun and interactive edtech contest for the summer with a chance to win gift cards and other prizes! The challenge is filled with many of the fun things you are already doing on social media and elsewhere to get ready for the next year, so check it out!

If you already joined edCommunities last fall, consider checking it out again. The summer is the perfect time to connect, collaborate and engage with fellow teachers!

If you have any questions about edCommunities, let me know!
Jodi Burling

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