I've shared this site with many through the years, but as I scrolled through today I saw many items I know teachers throughout our district would be interested. NAEIR offers organizations access to thousands of brand new, high-quality products for a fraction of retail cost. Office supplies, clothes, toys, toiletries, electronics, books… and all the merchandise is free. Yes. Free! And it’s available to help you make a bigger difference in your community.

NAEIR’s Teacher’s Program is a great way to help teachers stretch out-of-pocket expenses on classroom supplies by providing materials such as arts and crafts items, pens and pencils, highlighters, scissors, incentive items like stickers, and so much more. 
Items available through the Teacher’s Program can be located by clicking the Shop NAEIR button in the upper right corner of the NAEIR Home Page. Teachers have access to Educational Supplies, Best Values, Clearance, Specials, Deal of the Day, and Overstock products. Click here to view products that are currently available.

Individuals that join the Teacher’s Program pay nominal handling charges to receive the products – shipping is free.
In most cases, participants in this program pay less than a third of what the products would cost even at the lowest prices available at deep discount stores.
Here's a tiny example of items I've received for my classroom in the past. I've also used this to use for incentives in workshops and one to one experiences with students.
Paid $13.50 for 70 Makers retail $57
Paid $9.50 for 24 Books - retail $192

Check out getting a FREE teacher account! You can save $100s on the products you are already buying for your classroom!

Link to free teacher account:

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