Adding Google Drive to Schoology

Schoology can be a valuable tool for teachers and students to organize coursework.  But if students (or teachers) do the majority of their work in Google Drive, how do they share it with an instructor on Schoology?  Fortunately, Schoology has an app for that.

The video below demonstrates how to connect your Google Drive and Schoology accounts so you can import files with just a few clicks.

If you need more details about signing up for Schoology or signing up for the ESL course, keep reading!

If you don't already have a Schoology account, go to and click Get Started. Then select Create a Free account, and click Instructor.
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  1. Click on the Instructor button.
  2. Enter your Access Code. Teacher 821-314
  3. Fill out the form with your information.
  4. Click Register to complete.

To Enroll in ESL Course
The ESL Re-licensure training is ready to go!  We are trying a new format to see if this is conducive to offering online re-licensure opportunities.  We will be using Schoology for this component and can be added under Join in the Courses tab .  The access code you will need for the ESL course is:
Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 10.26.29 AM.png

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