Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility

The ISTE NETS go beyond what you can do with a device to what you should do with a device.  This stance supports one of the most basic tenets of teaching with technology; that all teachers are responsible for teaching digital citizenship and responsibility. Too often we look to the computer applications or media center teachers to carry this load, but that is a dangerous path.

Unless all educators are knowledgeable in basic digital ethics and responsible use, and are committed to embedding these constantly in their digital instruction, we leave a lot of the most dangerous consequences to chance. We tend to think that as the digital natives, students understand the reach of social media, realize that digital photos are forever, and are clear on why plagiarism is unethical and illegal. We need to remember that they are still children, and they are still learning.  While we think it great practice for a child to be reminded 300 times by 30 adults over 10 years that talking to strangers in real life is dangerous, we sadly often leave the same admonition about meeting people online to a few chance mentions by a few adults spread out over a few years. It takes a village.

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