Historical Figure Documentaries and iMovie

People are what shape and define history. Within the Minnesota State Standards for Social Studies alone, the term "historical figure" is denoted seventeen different times and the word "people" over forty different times. With such an emphasis on people and history ,it is no wonder that students are consistently asked to create projects and write papers about significant historical figures. One way to meet multiple standards,engage students, and climb that elusive ladder of Bloom's Taxonomy is to offer students a means of creation. One tool (there are others) that can help achieve this is iMovie. iMovie is a powerful video editing software that can be used on a Mac, ipad, ipad mini, and iphone. Below is a short testimonial of how Shannon Ahrens, middle school computer applications teacher utilized iMovie to create a documentary of historical figures. Below that video is a short tutorial on how to make a simple movie. Enjoy :)

iMovie in the middle school

iMovie App tutorial

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