Innovation @477 - Creative Compliments

If you have done any training with Responsive Classroom, you have likely done a compliment plate or similar activity to end your school year. The idea behind this is a student puts their name on a plate, it is then passed around the classroom and every student puts a compliment or just a kind word that describes that person on the plate. Students then get to talk away a plate full of compliments as a great momento from the school year.

Today is Cindy Schmatz's 4th grade class we took that idea digital and in today's blog I will share the lesson and adaptations so this could be done in any grade. We used Seesaw but this could also quickly and easy be done using Google Slides.

First students took pictures of each other - no selfies, because we wanted lots of space in the picture left for leaving kind words. Next students all put their iPad on their desk, and we rotated students around as a group. Each time they rotated, they used the Add Label feature in Seesaw to add a kind adjective about that classmate. Once the rotations were complete the student had a completed picture to post to Seesaw. The students really seemed to enjoy the project, and had fun coming up with different adjectives. One student even took out his Character Traits sheet to bring with him to each iPad to help him with great adjectives!


This idea could be easily adapted to Google Slides. Students could take a picture, upload into a shared slide show. Each student would have their own slide. Students would then go on to each slide an add a positive word about that person. Using the add text feature students would be able to change words to different colors and fonts. When everyone is finished adding words for each classmate, students could copy and paste their slide into a different google slideshow so they could keep it forever!

Let me know if you have any questions on this project idea or if you try this in your classroom! 


  1. Thank you ladies! The idea was taken from the Seesaw Teachers Facebook group!

  2. This would be fun at a staff meeting too! ❤️

    1. It would be awesome at a staff meeting!

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