Innovation @477 Summer Tech PD

Summer is here and for many teachers that means looking for opportunities to grow and refine teaching practice. Here's a list of summer technology PD offered in MN! Opportunities are separated by month and dates, and at the top of the list links are provided to the informational fliers and websites.

Take note that EdCamp MidMN is coming up fast in early June! Princeton's attendance at this fantastic EdCamp has grown every year as educators appreciate learning from true experts, their fellow, local educators.
Princeton is also hosting it's first workshop with tech integrationist extraordinaire Angie Kaltoff. This is a class for EVERYONE, teachers and parents, techy and non techy. The skills and knowledge you take away will greatly impact any students in your life.

Summer Tech PD 2017
Free photo Person Apple Hand Lake Touchscreen Iphone Dock - Max Pixel
Click on each opportunity for more information and to register (if applicable)
Many opportunities listed are free or at a low cost.

Informational Fliers/Websites

📱 June 🌼

Tuesday, June 13
Braham HS

Marshall, MN

Wednesday, June 14
Dr. SG Knight Elementary in Randall, MN

Tuesday, June 20
Braham HS

Tuesday, June 27th
Braham HS

💻  July 🌸

Tuesday, July 11
Braham HS

Tuesday, July 18
Braham HS

July 19 - 21 - 4th, 8th and 10th grade teachers
Princeton MS

Tuesday, July 25th
Mountain Iron, MN

Wednesday, July 26th
Bemidji, MN

Friday, July 28th
College of St. Benedict

💾 August 🌻

Tuesday, August 1st
Austin HS

Tuesday, August 8th CS Fundamentals in Burnsville, MN

Wednesday, August 9th
Lake ECMECC - Expedition Unknown -  Cambridge-Isanti HS

August 15-17 for 4th, 8th and 10th grade teachers

Tuesday, August 15th CS Fundamentals in Shakopee, MN

Friday, August Workshop @ Princeton Middle School with Angie Kalthoff

Princeton MS

Now We Go - PHS Podcast Release

PHS principal Barb Muckenhirn has taken on her passion project of creating a podcast with students. It's been a privilege to work on this project with her. This podcast could not have happened without the amazing work of two of our high school students, Damon who was Barb's first sidekick and Josh who took care of all the editing. 

We now have the first three episodes uploaded onto the Now We Go YouTube channel. Plans are in the works, to get these and future episodes loaded into iTunes. Please subscribe to the channel to get the latest updates. And most importantly, take time to check out the first three episodes. This is a podcast unlike others.  As Barb best describes it this is a podcast with a purpose of making lives go better, not just as students or staff, but as human beings!

Click and enjoy!

Innovation @477 - Creative Compliments

If you have done any training with Responsive Classroom, you have likely done a compliment plate or similar activity to end your school year. The idea behind this is a student puts their name on a plate, it is then passed around the classroom and every student puts a compliment or just a kind word that describes that person on the plate. Students then get to talk away a plate full of compliments as a great momento from the school year.

Today is Cindy Schmatz's 4th grade class we took that idea digital and in today's blog I will share the lesson and adaptations so this could be done in any grade. We used Seesaw but this could also quickly and easy be done using Google Slides.

First students took pictures of each other - no selfies, because we wanted lots of space in the picture left for leaving kind words. Next students all put their iPad on their desk, and we rotated students around as a group. Each time they rotated, they used the Add Label feature in Seesaw to add a kind adjective about that classmate. Once the rotations were complete the student had a completed picture to post to Seesaw. The students really seemed to enjoy the project, and had fun coming up with different adjectives. One student even took out his Character Traits sheet to bring with him to each iPad to help him with great adjectives!


This idea could be easily adapted to Google Slides. Students could take a picture, upload into a shared slide show. Each student would have their own slide. Students would then go on to each slide an add a positive word about that person. Using the add text feature students would be able to change words to different colors and fonts. When everyone is finished adding words for each classmate, students could copy and paste their slide into a different google slideshow so they could keep it forever!

Let me know if you have any questions on this project idea or if you try this in your classroom! 

MakerSpace Monday

Today in Mrs. Anderson's 3rd grade class, I set about introducing the Maker Space cart in a different way. Instead of simply allow students to explore the different materials (although I do still see value in that) I gave the class a challenge! The challenge was to create something, using the Maker Space tool of your choosing, that will help you in school.  Check out some of the creations that came from today's challenge!

Encouragement Folder
She is going to use this to help her stay motivated and focused at school. Notes and other encouraging items will be put inside and she'll take them out on days she needs a pick me up!

Fidget Spinners 
These kids decided to make their own and they were quite successful.

Desk Cleaner
Many kids identified messy desks as a problem they needed to solve. Here are a few of the innovative desk cleaners that were created!

Alarm Clock
Using LittleBits to create an alarm, to wake you up in case you fall asleep in class 😆

What have your students created from the MakerSpace cart? Please share your pics and ideas!

Innovation@477 This Week 5/12: Appy Hour

Appy Hour is an idea many of the tech coaches have read about in our study of Carl Hooker's book: Mobile Learning Mindset: A Coach's Guide to Implementation. In Appy Hour, you get together and quickly share apps, extensions and websites that are making a difference in your classroom. Our first Appy Hour will be digital, we hope to take these "live" in your buildings this fall!
If you have any awesome app, extension or website to share please send it to your friendly tech integration specialist! 

QR codes are excellent way to get students to a website quickly. Using a QR code scanner on their iPad or Chromebook, students scan the code and are immediately directed to the website. This is a quite a time saver as students of all ages can fumble with entering log web site addresses. This website and extension are slick for creating and downloading codes. 
Once you install the extension, it will show up on the side of your Chrome web address bar. Anytime you are on a website that you would like to create a QR code for, simply click the extension icon and a code is automatically created that you can download.

Chatterpix or Chatterkid
Many teachers are doing end of the year research or genius hour projects. Chatterpix provides a quick, fun and creative way for students to share their learning. In this app students take a picture of an object (or upload a pic they saved) and add a "mouth" to the picture. Then they record their voice sharing facts about that object or person. This project can be finished in short amount of time and students can share the finished project easily in Seesaw or on Google Classroom. Chaterpix or Chatterkid is installed on Primary and Intermediate school iPads.

Example project from 2nd grader sharing what she learned about tornadoes!

If you've ever told your students to just "google it" you have likely noticed that many students (across all grades) have no idea how to research with Google. Samantha Heitke and I found that to be true in talking about experiences with students. We did some research and discovered Brittanica school is an excellent resource for all students. When you first login you can choose elementary, middle or high school. From there students choose a topic of interest. 
Each topic is written at that specific level, however at the top of each article students can choose level 1, 2 or 3. The levels correspond to Elementary, Middle and High, yet when a student is on the high school page, and selects level 1, the screen doesn't change to the elementary looking page. It simply changes the content to a lower reading level. This will allow all your students to work on the same resource but get the information at their reading level!

Example of Galileo from each level:

Samantha and I have created a lesson that uses all of these sites/apps to create a quick mini-genius hour project for the end of the year. Let either of us know if you'd like it sent to you!

Innovation @ 477 - Seesaw Snapshot

Many teachers in our Primary and Intermediate schools are currently using Seesaw to have students showcase their WOW works, practice early digital citizenship skills, turn in homework digitally and share their learning with others! In this post we will check out some of the projects happening in our K-5 classrooms.

Kindergarten students sharing what they learned about animals!

Celebrating AR Success in 3rd grade!

Using Seesaw to share news with families!

Demonstrating learning in Kindergarten!

Sharing Google Slides Presentations

This is just a very small sample of the ways Seesaw is being used in classrooms! See below for a list of resources for more ideas. Thank you to all the teachers in 477 using Seesaw for truly innovative and exciting opportunities for our students.