Innovation @ 477 This Week! 2/24/17

HS Health Project
Erik Jacobs had each of his students do a quick recording of themselves using screencastify or a personal device stating why I choose not use. Students then posted their video onto a padlet that was created for each class hour. These short clips were then uploaded into a playlist on YouTube. Each hour had it's own playlist. With playlists you can select Play All so he was able to show the entire class hour's clips with just one click. The videos created were simple and incredibly powerful. Collaborating this way through padlet made it easy for Erik to collect all the videos, and easy for the students to share. Downloading and uploading the videos onto YouTube was also quick and easy.

This project is a perfect example of technology integration at work. This was a change in a project Erik has always done, using tech tools the project was more student driven than teacher driven, saved resources and made a more powerful statement!

Teachers Going Mobile
In the last few weeks Jodi, Ian and Luke have been setting up all classroom teachers at the Middle School with their new MacBook Air laptops. This is part of a district initiative to increase mobility when it comes to technology. Many teachers have been excited about the speed of their new device versus the desktop and the ability to bring it with them when working out of the classroom! Our Primary School teachers have had their devices for a year, next year our Intermediate School will be have their MacBook Air laptops issued as we work towards moving all teaching staff to the new laptops.

We have a great new "robot" in the district! The Swivl is taking observations to a whole new level. It was used last week during observations at the Intermediate and Primary schools. The Swivl holds onto an iPad for filming, the subject being filmed wears a remote on a lanyard and the Swivl follows the subject as they move around the room. This allows for recording of observations without someone holding a camera and without the teacher having to stand in one place....because we all know that rarely happens! Swivl videos are automatically uploaded into a cloud based system and can be reviewed immediately and edited as needed.

How the Swivl can help innovate learning in Princeton:

  • Teachers can choose to film their lesson to review independently for student engagement or to review teaching strategies. 
  • Observational rounds can involve fewer people in the room. 
  • Videos can be shared easily to show the many examples of exceptional teaching that happens in Princeton. Note - we will never share a video without your permission!
  • PLCs can do lesson studies without having to arrange for substitutes. 
The possibilities are endless. 
If you are interested in using the Swivl in your classroom, contact Jodi or Eric. 

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