Principal taking the lead on Twitter

From the Middle Schools weekly Principal update on 5/22/2015
Twitter/School Web page - Thanks for checking out our school homepage.  We have a Twitter feed that I try to update daily.  Thanks for your help with that.  I have been trying to show and tell all of the great teaching and learning going on at our school.  Set up a Twitter account and follow us.  If you need help see your tech coach or me.  Takes less than 10 min.  You can follow a ton of cool educational links, sports, subjects, hobbies.  You don't have to tweet you can just follow and learn what others are saying and doing.  Encourage your students to follow our website.  You can even use Twitter as a formative assessment, yes you can.  
A principal is already in classrooms and looking for ways to highlight what is happening and communicate with the world outside of school. Armed with an iPhone, Principal Dan Voce supports community and collaboration within the school by posting a few photos a week.

Dan started the year off with a goal to update staff and families through the school website on a weekly basis. That goal melded into simply embedding his Twitter feed on the front of the school website (see ). The information is current and authentic to what is happening in-the-moment in his building.

Follow Dan Voce, teachers and students at Princeton Middle School on Twitter @Middle_ISD477

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