Welcome to the 21st Century!

The term 21st century learning has been bandied about since before the century began, and yet we
still continue to use it, now a considerable stretch into the 21st century.  The reason this term has endured for some 20 years is that despite many advances, we are only now seeing education begin to catch up to the technology of the time.

Many of our educational practices better resemble 20th century schooling. Some even hark back to the 19th century.

The challenge of 21st century teaching and learning is to help instructional methods and the experience of learning in public schools to evolve and stay relevant in a world where the whole of human knowledge is available to every kid with a smartphone.

In order to do this, The International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE), the largest consortium of progressive educators has worked with teachers and students all over the world to outline key aptitudes needed in schools today. The first component is featured below:

These standards are becoming more and more crucial for student development, and yet they are very commonsense and reasonable. They mirror state and national standards for content and curriculum, while adding the key dimensions that make living in today's (and tomorrow's) world successful. Consider the impact these make on learning in a classroom, and continue to consider the 21st century learner in the honorable and challenging work that is done is the classroom!

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