What it looks like when Apps are pushed out to you

When an app is "pushed" out to your iPad or other mobile device, you need to click INSTALL and enter in your Apple ID password in order to download the app.

Other than five or six apps our Instructional Technology Team believes all teachers absolutely need to live, we will only push out purchased apps through this system. All other useful free apps to use in your classrooms will be shared with you via email, this blog, and twitter to reach as many people as possible!

Educreations - The Ultimate Whiteboard and General Instruction App

This may be old news for some of you, but we need to support staff to be able to use this basic teaching tool! 

EduCreations turns an iPad into a recordable whiteboard. You can insert multiple pictures, draw, and change slides, all while recording your voice. Videos can be uploaded and shared through the EduCreations website. Share your recordings with students through a link, or embed them on a website/blog. Students can upload projects and send you the link to watch it.

EduCreations App download link 

Flipped PD Navigation

Video tutorials have been available to educators for many years. However, there is currently great momentum for using video resources for “flipped learning”. In the case of teacher professional development, there is great potential for “flipped” professional development, or Flipped PD. Conceptually, the ISD 477 Flipped PD would be a series of short videos (and some written content) created primarily by teachers and technology staff within the district.

Teachers, just like students, prefer watching a video or reading content created by someone they know. This is basic human nature. We need to feel a connection with our teachers and staff whether they are face-to-face or virtual. There are a variety of ways to use video and written content in a flipped PD environment. In addition to the typical how-to videos, we could create videos to showcase student projects, to share best practices, and to provide specific instruction on District or building tools and resources. Below is a navigation to District 477 Flipped PD content:

Flipped PD Tutorials

Blogger Tutorials 
Google Forms

How to update a Reading A-Z or RAZ-Kids ROSTER (South Elementary)

In order to update your Reading A-Z or RAZ-Kids class roster you will need your Username and Password.  Start by clicking one of the links below.



There are four ways you can Log In by entering your Username and Password...
1. click the green MEMBER login tab on the Reading A-Z home page
2. click the green TEACHER login tab on the Raz-Kids home page
3. click the TEACHER> menu tab
4. in the TEACHER USERNAME box type your user name

There are two ways you can find the class roster...
1. click the orange ROSTER tab (Raz-Kids)
2. click the blue Manage Students tab then select ROSTER (Reading A-Z)
You will now see your current class roster.

REMOVE students from last year by clicking the red x box for each child.  This process removes a student from your class list but does not delete them from the program.

Once your students from last year have been deleted you have two options.  You may TRANSTER students from the class they were in last year.  This is a great option because when you TRANSFER a student all of their previous data (reading level, past quiz scores, password, etc.) is also TRANSFERRED to your class.  You may also ADD A NEW STUDENT.  This feature creates a new student.  You will need to select a reading level (default reading level is aa) and assign a password for NEW STUDENTS.

In the roster area ...
-click >Transfer Students
-select the box in front of all of your students (students are listed by the teacher they had last year 2012-2013)

In the roster area...
-click >Add a New Student
-enter New Student information (First & Last Name, Reading Level, Enable Book Room or Raz Rocket, and select an Icon or create a Password)
*Note- Once done entering the New Student information don't forget to click ADD NEW to save the information.

ISTE 2013 video and webinars

These 2 links should get you to some great technology webinars and you tube videos from ISTE's National Conference...just in case you have some time on your hands. I think staff get overwhelmed if they open a list this long and may not watch any of them, but if you watch one and think it is great I would suggest sharing that one out to your full staff, one at a time, so they know we are looking for really good stuff that really pertains to them and not just sending them a ton of technology info. And expecting them to read or watch it all and teach themselves. ISTE Conference ISTE You Tube ISTE Wiki Webinars

Interesting Blog - BYOD - Confessions of a Cell Phone Terrorist

An interesting blog from a tech integrationist's perspective on "Cell Phones in Schools". Here is the link http://cfelske.blogspot.com/2013/08/confessions-of-cell-phone-terrorist.html

Learning Forward Leadership Summit with Dr. Robert Marzano

How do you monitor the desired outcome in your classroom? A level of monitoring is what has shown to be the deciding factor to push teachers from simply using instructional strategies as a "mechanism" at the developing level of a strategy, into applying and innovating that strategy.

Observed score = true score + error 
Error in how we measure student work can come from many places. Discrepancy in almost all assessments, if not observed, can imply correlations that do not necessarily exist. Compare all scores and data available. We live with error in most sciences, education not excluded, including how both teachers and students are assessed.

Teacher Evaluations
Video of classroom instruction is one of the most powerful professional development tools we have available today. You will be the most critical evaluator of your own instruction through self-reflection. Marzano's teacher evaluation model allows teachers to use powerful feedback on specific instructional strategies during specific parts of a curriculum. To help someone's skills move from Developing (2) to Applying (3) on Marzano's teacher evaluation scale, adapting to successes and challenges of strategy effectiveness should be taking place.

How to import student emails directly into a group using Google Forms

Coaches Meetings

I just wanted to thank all of the building technology coaches for taking time to meet with Eric and me, especially with the chaos of preparing for next week. We truly do appreciate it. I think the questions, ideas, and concerns discussed were very valuable in assessing individual building needs and providing a snapshot of where to begin.

Introduction to the SAMR Model

2013-14 School Year is upon us!

Fall 2013 Update:
We are in the final stages of installing one wireless access point in every classroom, which should set us up for successful internet access in almost all areas of our four buildings.

New this year, we have a Director of Technology, Eric Simmons, and Technology Integration Specialist, Patrick Morrow, to support instruction and utilize technology for learning in classrooms. We also have technology coaches in each building!

Our technology support team for the beginning of this year is Jim Hanna and Luke Shoemaker.

Looking forward to a great start to the school year and hope to move forward providing both teachers and students access to successful technology tools.